Library Infrastructure
In Tamil Nadu, out of 4,640 Public Libraries 1,780 libraries are functioning in own buildings, 2,532 libraries are functioning in rent free buildings, 314 libraries are functioning in private rented buildings and 14 Mobile Libraries.
Computerization with internet, website and email facilities under the financial assistance of Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation has been carried out in the Connemara Public Library and all the District Central Libraries. Moreover District Central Libraries have been integrated with the Connemara Public Library through the Internet facility to access the availability of the books in the district by the public easily.
Readers Forum
It is a forum to act as a bridge between the organization and the end users to provide public participation in the library activities and it has been constituted in each library consisting of Educationists, Writers and Members of the library and Local residents. Many important programmes such as introduction of new books and the writers, Literary Debates, Book Exhibitions, Oratory, Essay and Quiz competition etc., are conducted with the effective co-ordination of the readers forum successfully in all libraries .
To encourage the services rendered by the president of the readers forum for development of library activities, Library Activist award comprising certificate and shield is conferred to 3 Presidents of the best Readers Forum.
Members and Patrons
in Libraries Considering the usage of the library services by the public and to intensify the library activities, a special drive was initiated by the department to increase the enrolment of members and patrons, by which an enormous increase in members . Due to the enormous efforts of the Directorate of Public Libraries, 9981412 members and 138019 donors have been added up to the year 2020-2021.